Start Here

Welcome to my travel in France blog: France Travel Tips, which was created to help travellers plan their next trip to France with unique experiences that are not always written about in travel guides. I love France and whether this is your first time or it’s a repeat visit, I hope my ideas can inspire you and help you save time and money.

*This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, I get a small commission at no extra charge to you. It helps support the running of this website and I do appreciate your help.*

Why I Created This Website

France Travel Tips Home Page photo of Paris buildings

My background is in the field of education where I loved helping others. I’ve travelled to France 39 times and my friends and family would often ask me to help them plan their trips. I have enjoyed doing this simply to help them enjoy France as much as I do. 

I decided to create this website because there are so many unique experiences I think others would like to know about. Every time I go to France I seek out something that the tour books have overlooked.

This is the focus of my website because I believe the best memories of trips are not from one’s purchases, but from their experiences.

Who Am I?

Janice Chung France Travel Tips
Janice Chung

I’m Janice Chung, a recently retired Principal from Toronto, Canada with careers in advertising and education. I have always enjoyed learning, researching, helping people, and writing and have now discovered a way to combine all of these passions with my love of France. (Check my “About” page)

My Blog: France Travel Tips

Home page image of links to posts to discover information about France.

France Travel Tips has over 325 pages of information, providing readers with all sorts of active, outdoor, learning, culinary, and arts and entertainment experiences. These experiences have taken place all over France in small towns and big cities like Paris.

I am passionate about France and feel at home when I am there. My posts reflect my adventures in a genuine and honest way. I share the steps I took and the obstacles I encountered. I also share tips that have made my trips more enjoyable and hope they help you.

What Do You Need Help With?

I  hope my website will give you ideas to make your trip truly unique. I’ve organized the site so that you can find posts under categories so that you can hopefully find content that suits your need such as:



-provides details on the city; what to see, how to get around, and unique Paris experiences worth considering.

Travel Tips

This section covers tips for:

  • first-timers
  • those who are interested in saving money
  • where to stay (my picks)
  • itinerary ideas (from my past trips)
  • sites to see
  • travel map of all my blog posts (next section)

Travel Map of Blog PostsFrance Travel Tips Travel Map Of Blog Posts

Above is a map with most of the posts and locations I have visited in France (and just outside of France). Check out the map and get some ideas on what to see and do.  Clicking on the map will direct you to Google Maps. You can also click this link: Posts On A Map. All you have to do it click on a town and you’ll get the name of the town and a link to a post about an experience there. Paris alone has 95 places that I’ve written about.


Find out more about me and see some of the articles on other websites or about my interviews on the podcasts, “Join Us In France” and “1001 Travel Tales”.

Subscribe to France Travel Tips—-It’s Free and….

I hope you’ll consider subscribing to my posts. I only send out one post per week and your details are kept private. I don’t share email addresses.

When you subscribe you’ll be given a link to get my Free Guide To The Top 10 Photo Locations In Paris. As I love photography, I thought this “cheat sheet” would be helpful to others when they visit Paris. It will save you time and help you get just the right shot.

I hope you find France Travel Tips helpful in your planning and that it provides you with ideas to make your next trip truly unique.   If you haven’t already done so,  please consider subscribing to my website.  Just click the image below.

Top 10 Photo Locations In Paris

Bon Voyage!